About the Business

We Serve Our Customers Over And Beyond Their Expectations

It takes a dependable, vigorous, and highly adaptable institution to gain people’s trust during times of prolonged uncertainty and financial anxiety. As a testament to Metrobank’s solid banking franchise, the Bank generated a 22% increase in current and savings accounts (CASA) to Php1.3 trillion, thus boosting overall deposits to nearly Php1.8 trillion in 2020.

Serving At the Frontline

The balancing act between continuing to serve our customers and ensuring their safety as well as that of Metrobank’s branch frontliners was paramount in our efforts in 2020. At the height of the Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ), the Bank kept open more than half of its branches to serve the public. Branches were reconfigured to align with social distancing guidelines and banking hours in branches were adjusted accordingly.

Going the Extra Mile

When various degrees of restrictions were implemented across the nation, customers were encouraged to stay at home. The Bank initiated efforts to go to where the customers are to ensure that they have continued access to our services.

Going the Extra Mile

Delivering A Delightful Customer Experience

Despite the difficulties of 2020, Metrobank’s lending business went beyond service banking and optimized the use of technology in connecting and re-establishing stronger ties with clients. Measures were undertaken to keep the customers well-informed on available solutions to their financial needs as they navigated the new normal of banking.
To provide relief to borrowers, the provisions of the Bayanihan Acts 1 and 2 were fully implemented. At the same time, efforts were directed to safeguard asset quality by actively engaging with borrowers and ensuring prudent credit standards are in place.

Optimizing the Markets

Protecting and Serving You Better

In 2020, Metrobank went the extra mile in protecting the welfare of its retail and corporate customers. Its deep concern for the health and financial mobility of its customers inspired the Bank to go beyond the best standards of customer protection, as set by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) and guided by its own Consumer Protection Policy Manual (CPPM).

Protecting and Serving You Better


The Metrobank Group takes pride in its collective strength and diversified portfolio. Our subsidiaries, which were likewise affected by the sudden shift in the business landscape, have calibrated their strategies to leverage on their key strengths as they dealt with the crisis.

Philippine Savings Bank (PSBank) stayed resilient and took a conservative stance in 2020 on credit provisioning in anticipation of risks associated with the pandemic. Pre-provisioning operating income surged to 31% to Php7.5 billion. This enabled PSBank to set aside additional loan loss provisions to three times over to Php6.4 billion, resulting in Php1.1 billion net income for the year.

Marking its 21st year of providing quality insurance products for Filipinos, AXA Philippines (AXA), continued to service its more than 1.5 million clients protected under general insurance, and various individual and group life insurance products through its wholly owned subsidiary Charter Ping An. When the pandemic hit, the Group’s insurance arm adjusted to the new environment and immediately took care of its people who remained committed to its customers.

ORIX METRO Leasing and Finance Corporation (ORIX METRO) remains one of the strongly capitalized leasing and financing companies in the country with total equity of Php8.7 billion in 2020. As it developed a more prudent credit approval process following the health crisis, it quadrupled its provisions for credit losses to Php1.4 billion, ending the year with a net income of Php219 million.